160 pages paperback
Colour illustrations
172 x 144mm
September 2007
Cico Books
Available in the following languages
(click on cover for enlarged image)
Offering ways of dealing with the many rites-of-passage we all face, and the daily challenges we all meet, Celtic Symbols presents a comprehensive exploration of Celtic wisdom.
But it is more than a mere compendium of ancient lore: it captures the vitality and sensuality of the Celtic approach to life and love, and make their insights accessible to all.
Using ancient legends and practices to illustrate key topics, the deities of the Celts are introduced and their qualities revealed. The themes of the seasonal archetypes are also developed, enabling the reader to take an active interest in the natural cycle and celebrate all the stages of life.
The Celts were a vibrant, colourful people, who lived closely in tune with the natural world. They had a deep love of and respect for the land that nurtured them, and organised their lives around the changing seasons.
Celtic Symbols offers a wide range of sound practical suggestions for dealing constructively with day-to-day events, such as making the most of opportunities, overcoming difficulties, and learning how to discover the best way to make dreams come true.
Contents include...
The Celtic Year
Celtic Guides
Domestic Life
Animal Guides
The Sacred Landscape
The Celtic Twilight
Text & design © Ken & Joules Taylor 2007 - 2013