Luo Shu - One of Eight

The eight versions of the magic square can be compared, revealing why the Luo Shu version was selected as pre-eminent.

Here are all eight variants of the Luo Shu (known in the West as the Magic Square of Saturn), which I have positioned at the top of the list. All eight squares have the "magic" property that the three numbers in each line - horizontal, vertical and diagonal - always add up to the same number.

It it evident that the literally crucial intersection of lines at the centre of each glyph (see Luo Shu Origins) only occurs in the Luo Shu version.

I am convinced that there are further insights to be made regarding these squares. For example, I imagine that each of the eight squares would have been associated with one of the eight Gua, but I am presently unaware of any such surviving tradition.

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© Ken Taylor 2004-2006