Published by Heartsown
Publication date October 2009
112 pages
This anthology of short stories covers a dozen of the diplomatic missions undertaken by Kazestrel and Triskayen with the Collective diplomatic corps, before their arrival on Heart.
It details many of the incidents mentioned in passing in Prime Contact, but Missions is written to be enjoyed on its own, and is a great introduction to Haadri.
Here we find out how...
...the Collective protocols for Xlaca were established (and the galaxy made safe from hordes of drunken Plarithdi!)
...the arms limitation treaty between Fhyru and Bornath was negotiated, and peace restored to the Nomads of the Plains
...the genocidal activities of the colonists on Kraach were ended and an unusual settlement reached
... Poiyndree, the High Sjeniden of Pree, was awakened to wholeness after being assumed dead
...the ceremony of the undying dead on Alaitz was resolved, with the reuniting of the infant divinity 'Kees with its hostling to avert a global war
Also read about the Solarth affair, the Keevai assignment, the dynastic dispute on Hartsog, as well as other odd and intriguing escapades on Jejamiay and Vmizn.
Text © Ken Taylor 2009 - 2013