edited by
128 pages hardback
140 x 108mm
September 2001
Magpie Books for Marks and Spencer p.l.c.
Also published by Barnes & Noble
American English
This compendium of lore and poetry explores the full spectrum of love, and contains traditional insights as well as customs and folklore relating to love, written by Joules, plus a selection of poetry proposed by Esme Hawes.
Readers should note that although this Little Book is an excellent read and an ideal gift in its own right, the prose (all of which was written by Joules) is simply a carefully edited version of the text for Love Spells. The poetry was selected and arranged by Joules from a double-length list provided by Esme.
Chapters include...
Flower Magic - The red rose is a favourite symbol among lovers, and this chapter presents an anthology of fascinating facts picked from the Language of Flowers. Appropriate poetry is interlaced with the prose, throughout the book.
The Loving Year - A series of seasonal reminders that love resides at the hub of the wheeling year, and can form the stable heart in our chaotic lives.
Divination - A collection of traditional methods of fortune telling, with the focus firmly on prospects of romance and matrimony.
Animal Magic - From the faithful swan to the frivolous peacock, birds and animals symbolise many aspects of love; this chapter takes us on a walk through the wild side of human nature.
Love in the Stars - Astrology has much to say on the subject of love, this chapter introduces many of its ideas.
Dream Lover - We are often guided by our dreams, especially in matters of the heart; here an a-z of dream interpretations offers an insight into these nocturnal visions.
Crystal Magic - Diamonds may be forever in advertising-land, but in real life they're all gradually decaying into graphite; this closing chapter presents a traditional view of the value of crystals and other minerals in understanding the jewellery of love.
Text & design © Ken & Joules Taylor 2001-2013
Book illustrations courtesy of Magpie Books